Day 10, hostile systems are a pain.
I kept following the main quest and it got me to go to Cerulean - Really? Skip Onyx completely then. Great. Okay. Olympus straight to Cerulean. Sure I can handle it.
A warning, the missions get a LOT more difficult here, now going for around 140k credits and being tricky like 'scan this ship while other ships constantly fly in and attack you'. This is a SERIOUSLY hostile system in that if you wait around, you'll have a dozen ships around you within a few minutes. And they're not light ships either.
Thankfully I found a C14 cannon on sale in one of the markets. 570 range - YAY so upgrading cannons doesn't mean forever diminishing range. There is light at the end of the tunnel yet! It WAS a few hundred thou but my current cannon also sold for a few hundred thou so I didn't pay a great deal for it overall. Considering I got over 100 range and double damage, I'm not complaining.
But man is everything EXPENSIVE in this system, geez. I went in with a full hold of diamonds - literally, all slots full of 18-19 diamonds. These sold for about 3k per diamond in Cerulean so I made quite a tidy profit from that. The downside is all the upgrades are also overpriced.
Additionally there's some more upgrades and a regenrative missile pack?? Wow! I want one. I don't have 3.5mill credits though so I'll have to wait.
I did some testing on managing cargo and I can't find anything you can do with commodities except dump or sell them. Maybe Alt+right click might do something but I ran out of stuff to test it on. I do know now that you can put weapons into your cargo holds while docked by right clicking though so that's cool.
Another neat little trick I found awhile ago but keep forgetting to mention is the IDS scale - check your keyboard config for it. This allows you to increase the maximum speed you can go while IDS is active. Why they bothered with it is beyond me but oh well. I bump it up to 2X so my max speed is safely within planetary speed limits and I can just cruise to the dock.
I think I'm getting the hang of navigation too - you can zoom out and click the Text button on the right to switch on all text, then the button under that cycles the various types of object. So you can switch text on only for gates so you can see where you need to go next. This unfortunately overlaps each other and is pushed around by the borders of the screen so when you can read it it's often still a mission to find what it's marking, but it's easier than flicking through each sector.
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